
In Hot Pursuit of Morphea

This article provides an overview of Dr. Heidi T. Jacobe’s wide range of contributions and associated insights. They provide critical guidance to practitioners now in diagnosing, assessing, and treating patients with morphea. And they will ultimately enable significant advances in treating this high-impact disease.

Dr. Heidi T. Jacobe

Replacing Opinions With Facts

The creation of the MAC allowed Dr. Heidi T. Jacobe to plunge into a research program of extensive breadth and depth that has steadily replaced opinions with facts and profoundly improved patient care.

Dr. Tiffany Scharschmidt

Probing Skin’s Microbiome

The Sun Pharma Research Award provides Dr. Tiffany Scharschmidt with the focus and freedom to address clinically translational aspects of her research in pediatric atopic dermatitis.