Skin Color in Clinicopathological Correlation

Dr. Sokumbi presented information about the role of skin color in clinicopathological correlation (CPC) and dermatopathology. She argued that dermatologists should understand how skin of color clinical deficiencies, and biases impact dermatopathology and shared three patient cases of inflammatory dermatoses that demonstrate pitfalls to consider in skin of color. Case #1: Overcoming bias A 64-year-old…

2024 DF Clinical Symposium

The DF Clinical Symposium has a reputation for excellence that attracts hundreds yearly to receive a serious, in-depth medical educational experience and support the Foundation’s work.

Expert speakers make presentations on current-day topics at the DF Clinical Symposium

Register by December 22
2024 DF Clinical Symposium in Naples, Florida

The Clinical Symposium’s Continuing Medical Education program has a reputation for excellence.

2023 DF Clinical Symposium

The DF Clinical Symposium is the national medical education event that attracts dermatologists, residents, and non-physician clinicians seeking a serious, in-depth educational experience. In its 20th year, this peer-reviewed continuing medical education program delivers cutting-edge talks from today’s specialty experts on every aspect of dermatology.